Lesnícka informačná spoločnosť, a.s. was created with the aim to organise auctions of timber of high quality for non-state sector (for private, municipal and church forests in Slovak Republic). Slovakia with its forestation of 40 per cent belongs to one of the most timbered countries in Europe. In south western Slovakia in lowland forests in a river basin of Danube grow Slavonia oak, black walnut (juglans nigra), willowy ash (fraxinus excelsior) with the mixture of elms (ulmus). In the south of central and eastern Slovakia extend mixed forests dominated by oak winter (quercus petraea). These forests have timber of high quality. In sub mountain areas dominates beech with the admixture of maple, mountain elm, larch, spruce and fir.
At higher altitudes in mountain areas dominate spruce with admixture of larch, fir and pine. In general, forests of Slovakia offer great quality and valuable range of winter oak, oak summer and Slavonia oak, sycamore, elm, ash and from conifers there is mainly spruce and larch.
Timber auctions organized by Lesnícka informačná spoločnosť, a. s. are the largest in Slovakia.
Next timber auction named „Oak Auction“ will take place in the ..... Forestry Information Society (LIS, a. s.) plans to stock about 1,000 m3 logs.
Percentage share of timber is about:
Oak |
90 % |
Beech |
1 % |
Maple |
2 % |
Ash |
1 % |
Larch |
3 % |
black walnut |
2 % |
others (cherry, walnut, elm...) |
1 % |
Due to weather conditions, the auction of wood is canceled.
Lesnícka informačná spoločnosť, a.s. invites you to next timber auction which will be held from date ..... auction space Drevárska 23, 902 01 Pezinok, grounds BETA-CAR. All other information, see Timber auction section.
In case of bad weather, the auction organizer reserves all rights to postpone the auction.
All registered bidders will be notified about the change of auction date by e-mail on time.
Current photos of the preparation of the auction can be viewed in the Gallery.
Lesnícka informačná spoločnosť, a.s.
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