At the timber auction are offered only the best quality strains of deciduous and coniferous trees growing
in Slovak forests. Each piece exposed at the auction undergoes thorough an entrance inspection, is properly cut by way of its further processing, identified by its unique number, carefully measured and then subjected to auction stock. The logs are distributed and padded so that each piece can be seen from each side.
Accurate Catalogue of items offered in the auction is always released 24 hours before the auction HERE.
After arriving at the auction stock, each candidate will receive a catalogue and an envelope. The catalogue contains the number of the piece, supplier code, length, thickness and volume of the trunk, certificate, and blank box to offer a bid. Offer is given in EURO per 1 m3 FCO (loaded on the vehicle). Standard we load TIR trucks, railway wagons in station - Pezinok siding Beta car and 40 ft shipping containers.
Please note that for the successful bidders we provide transport logs from the auction stock to their destination anywhere in Europe but also overseas. For more information, see Carriage section. We also provide customs clearance in case that the successful bidder is outside the EU.
Catalogue and all other documents are available in the following languages:
o Slovak
o English
o German
Presentation and communication at the auction will be in the following languages:
o Slovak
o English
o German
Where and when the auction will take place?
Auctions are held at our auction stock in the Pezinok, Drevárska 23, 902 01 Pezinok, GPS 48o16´30.7571313“N, 17o15´55.4431915“E.
Stock photos
The next auction will be held ..... daily from 8.00 AM to 3.30 PM.
Who can buy timber at the auction?
The participant on the auction can be natural or legal person who agrees with the auction order. Auction rules can be signed during presentation on arrival at the auction, or you can download, sign and send it by mail to our address.
Payment Terms
1st Payment for auctioned timber on the basis of an invoice before loading.
2nd Submission of bank guarantee - a delay of payment of 30 days from the date of invoice issue.
3rd Letter of credit - L / C.
Auction rules, you can find HERE.
Contract of purchase, you can find HERE.
Dear customer, to send you continually the latest information about the auction, it is necessary to be registered. Registration can be done here, it is very simple and only the name and e-mail are required information. If you are interested in information regarding accommodation, food, aerial or train services please contact us at info@wertholzsubmission.de.
We believe that our offer of participating at the largest timber auction in Central Europe has preoccupied you and we look forward to meeting you at our auction stock.
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