Lesnícka informačná spoločnosť, a.s., J. Kozáčeka 13, 960 01 Zvolen
in the Register of Business Names in B. Bystrica, section Sa, tab nr: 1027/S | Id. number: | Tax-No.: | VAT-No.: |
46414347 | 2023370657 | SK2023370657 |
Jaroslav Kontriš | Director of organisation: | +421 917 449 477 | kontris@aukciedreva.sk |
Ing. Martina Chabadová | Info lines: | +421 914 333 384 | info@aukciedreva.sk |
admin@aukciedreva.sk | |||
Mária Jurovčíková | Contact for English- | +421 907 747 579 | info@wertholzsubmission.de |
speaking customers | |||
Regional consultant | |||
Viktória Halmo | Hungary | +421 905 426 494 | halmo@aukciedreva.sk |
Ján Kuna | Poland | +421 905 607 683 | kuna@aukciedreva.sk |
Marian Dlugosz | Ukraine | +43 664 7362 4205 | dlugosz@aukciedreva.sk |
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